Pure Austin Fitness, located on W. Braker Lane, hosted their first ever open water race in the Quary behind their gym! First of all, the gym itself is absolutely stunning. They host studio classes as well as open gym. But some of their more unique features are that they have their own sand volleyball court in the back as well as a HUGE Quarry with a 1k loop trail around the whole thing. Like I said, absolutely stunning.
Pure held their first ever Open Water Swim and it was a total success. They had two races, the 750m and 1500m distances and gave out prices to the top three finishers to both the men and women in each of the two races.
Although I was a swimmer for about 10 years of my life, I had never done an open water race. I always just stuck with shorter distances that consisted of the butterfly stroke. On top of never swimming an open water race, it had also been a year since I last swam at all. One of my friends, Marylyn (who is also a former swimmer), had mentioned wanting to do this race and I thought, “Sure! Why not? What a perfect way to get back in the water!” Maybe a little too ambitious on my part…
Although they did offer both the 750m and mile, I took one look at that quarry and realized there was no way I could make it around this thing twice, so I stuck with the safe move and went for the 750m.
Within the first few strokes of the race I could tell this was not going to end well. But even though I had my doubts and my arms were burning, I just didn’t want to give up and flop over like some fish out of water! I completed the 750m and even ended up getting second in the girls division for that distance. For me, it felt like a great accomplishment and motivated me to start training again. Plus, I got a Pure Austin Fitness Visor!
Overall, the entire event was so much fun. People of all different fitness levels attended, such as those who had completed Iron Man’s to casual swimmers. The hosts were so personable and fun to be around and were there to help you when you crossed that finish line!
It was such a blast and I look forward to attending the next race they hold! Hopefully I’ll be in better swimming shape by then and go for the 1500m.
Fore more information on Pure Austin Fitness and the races, just click on their name at the beginning of the article and it will take you right to their site!

Pure Austin Fitness – pureaustin.com
North: 4210 W Braker Ln., Austin, TX 78759 COST: $74 month; more pricing. |
ABOUT: Outdoor types will find a lot to love about Pure Austin, overlooks it’s own private lake, encircled by a running trail. Strengthen your core in paddle-board yoga or the stunning 2-story rock wall.
TIP: Offers a local gym feel without sacrificing the variety and equipment of a national gym membership. Over 150 free classes per week.